तृ्तीय भाव में स्थित गुरु (Jupiter in Third House)


Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598. 

j3 1

Basicaly, 3rd House belongs to strength,Younger siblings,Communication,Short travel and jupiter belongs to wisdom,Fortunes,abdomen,Soft Temper. A benefic planet here is not considered good.Jupiter here gives mild and soft nature . So native may be suffering from humiliation. Jupiter in 3rd House loses its natural quality so native may be sinful, vile and wicked. Strength of jupiter weakens in 3rd house. Jupiter in 3rd House is considered good for younger siblings. Native’s siblings may be in a good position and renowned in society .Younger siblings may have good advising power. Native may have deep faith on his co-borns because jupiter also belongs to faith.Jupiter is a planet of knowledge and third house is house of communication so native may be a good learner and will be  knowledgable. But native may express his knowledge in written rather than in speaking.So native may be a good writer.
तीसरे भाव में बृहस्पति होने के कारण आप साहसी और बलवान हो सकते है । आप शास्त्रों के जानकार और अनेक प्रकार के धार्मिक कार्यों को सम्पादित करने वाले व्यक्ति हैं। आप  ईश्वर पर विश्वास करने वाले व्यक्ति होंगे। आप काम करने में चतुर हैं। आप जिस काम का संकल्प करते है  उसे पूरा करके ही छोडना चाहते हैं और आपको आपके काम में सफलता भी मिलती है। 
j3 2
Jupiter belongs to medium distance and 3rd House belongs to short travels so native may travel short to medium distances. Jupiter belongs to religious places so native  may go to religious places and spend on religious works or activities.Jupiter in 3rd house is not good for native’s father. Native’s father may be suffering from problems. It may create tension between father and native, there may be arguments between native and his father.Jupiter placed in 3rd house makes native  greedy for money and he can do any work for money . So native may be successful regarding wealth matter.
आप पर्यटन और तीर्थयात्राएं करना काफी पसंद होगा । आपको अपने सगे भाइयों-बहनों और कुटुम्बियों से सुख मिलता है। आप अपने भाइयों का कल्याण करने वाले और उन्हें उत्तम सुख देने वाले होंगे। आपके भाई भी प्रतिष्ठित व्यक्ति होंगे। आप मित्रों और आत्मजनों के माध्यम से सुखी और सम्पन्न होंगे। आपका दाम्पत्य जीवन सुखी रहेगा।
j3 3
Jupiter is karak of digestive system as abdomen belongs to jupiter and its placement in 3rd and 11th from 5th house is not good for digestive system so native may suffer from digestive problems. Jupiter belongs to wisdom and Knowledge so it is indicates here expansion of wisdom of mind which means native may be a philosopher or suffering from tensions due to excess of wisdom.Jupiter is karak of Fortunes and being 7th from fortunes place ie 9th house means native get a lot of opportunities in his lifetime but wont be able to achieve them.
आपको राजा या सरकार के द्वारा सम्मान मिलेगा। बहुत सारे लोग आपके अधीनस्थ रहेंगे। अच्छे बुद्धि विवेक के कारण आपको लेखन से लाभ होगा। तीसरे भाव के बृहस्पति के कारण आप कंजूस भी हो सकते है  । भूख न लगने के कारण शरीर दुर्बल हो सकता है। आपको अपने भाइयों के साथ हमेशा अचे सम्भन्ध बनाये रखने चाहिए|
For professional astrological guidance contact astrologer Pankhuri Verma.
Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598.

द्वितीय भाव में स्थित गुरु (Jupiter in Second House)


 Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598


You will be able to exercise the right kind of judgment towards financial matters and therefore manage the resources effectively. Though any fluctuations are usual in everyone’s life, you are assured of lifelong financial protection. A weak Jupiter in this position means you shall be inclined towards material, hedonistic and physical pursuits. When jupiter is in the second house you are a highly influential social character. You will enjoy wide contacts from all spheres of life. You can easily gain power, authority, leadership and the most coveted position easily without much effort. Those who plot against you might not prove successful. Effortlessly you can win over your enemies and surprise them.  Through your dealings, you will find money coming to your through multiple and unexpected channels. If Venus is well placed in your chart, then there will not be many difficulties or hurdles in the par to success.
 यह स्थिति  बृहस्पति के कारण आपकी चेहरा  सुंदर हो सकता । आप रूपवान, सुंदर शरीर वाले और आयुष्मान व्यक्ति होंगे । आप विनम्र और सत्संगी व्यक्ति हैं। आपका साहस और सदाचार सराहनीय है। आप मधुरभाषी, सर्वजन प्रिय और सम्मानित व्यक्ति हैं। आप सम्मान को ही सबसे बडा धन समझते हैं। सभी लोग आपका आदर और सम्मान करते होंगे ।
j2 3
You are prone to be extravagant and thoughtless in spending. You will be forced to show up your financial capabilities by spending so much in front of others. You must guard yourself against this tendency. You might fall in the trap of other people which you should be wary of. Often you run the risk of entering into conflicts, disputes and legal cases.Since this is the native house of Venus according to kalapurush chart, both these are inimical planets and therefore they shall affect each other in several adverse ways. 
आपकी वाणी बहुत प्रभावशाली और अच्छी होगी।जब आप सबके सामने भाषण देंगे तो सब आपके ज्ञान से दांग रह जायेंगे । आप धनवान और सभी प्रकार के अधिकारों को प्राप्त करने वाले होंगे। आप एक  सम्पत्तिवान व्यक्ति होंगे। आप धन संग्रह और संचय में निपुण होंगे। हांलाकि अशुभ प्रभाव या अशुभ दशा की स्थिति में आपको बृहस्पति के विपरीत फल भी मिल सकते हैं।
Now,If the 2nd, 6th and 8th houses are found auspicious and provided Saturn does not sit in the 10th house, there are chances that you will win lottery prizes or inherit the property of those who do not have progeny in the family. It is most likely that you will get your father’s property.  Never engage in professions related to selling gold or jewellery. This will lead to the loss of wife, wealth and property. Your wife and her family might suffer so many problems and ill health. At the same time, you shall remain honourable and wealthy as long as your wife is with you. 
सोना चांदी, सरकारी नौकरी, कानूनी काम, बैंक, शिक्षा संस्थान, देवालय, धर्म संस्था आदि माध्यमों से आपको धन और यश मिल सकता है। इसके अलावा रसायनशास्त्र, भाषाओं का ज्ञान, काव्यशास्त्र, व दण्डाधिकार भी आपको मिल सकता है अर्थात आप मजिस्ट्रेट, कलेक्टर या न्यायाधीस भी हो सकते हैं। आप अपने शत्रुओं पर  विजय प्राप्त कर सकते है  और बंधुओं से सुखी तथा सत्ताइसवें वर्ष में  सरकार या सरकारी अफसर  से आदर पाने वाले व्यक्ति होंगे
For professional astrological guidance contact astrologer Pankhuri Verma.
Call or whatsapp at + 91 9711224598.

Vaastu Shastra Workshop 8-7-17


5000 years old indian architecture science “Vastu Shastra” is the science of the converted space. It was written down many centuries ago in Sanskrit, the Indian Latin, and it describes rules and instructions how to build healthy houses.In later times Feng Shui has emerged from Vastu in China. Vastu can also be called as the “Primary Feng Shui”. Vastu is the oldest and most global system of architecture in harmony with the life conserving rules of nature. It is not based on religion like Feng Shui, but it is a science with well-defined guidelines. Vastu tries to achieve harmony and resonance between the universe, the house and its inhabitants. As the universe and also the inhabitants can’t be changed, in the ideal case a house is designed in that way that it is tuned and in resonance to universe and to the inhabitants.Self-evidently, this is also valid for commercially and industrially used buildings and real estates.Houses, built or rectified according to Vastu Shastra create ideal life and working conditions and thus, the inhabitants and users can enjoy best health, bliss, wealth and inner and external fulfillment. A design and realisation of houses according to Vastu and Bau-Biology principles or even a suitable rectification and remediation creates harmony, low number of staff away sick, better creativity, higher productivity and thus,improves the economic situation of a company.

Some of the pics of Vaastu Shastra Workshop :












प्रथम भाव में स्थित गुरु (Jupiter in First House)


Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598.


We know that,Jupiter is the Guru of all planets, so needless to say, it has an extremely auspicious presence in the astrological charts of humans. Showering divine blessings, prosperity, and good luck Jupiter helps a person see many positive elements of life.The natives with jupiter in first house are witty, wise and can be called unstoppable in many ways. They have a strong will and believe everything is achievable provided a person is ready to put in the hard work. These natives generally don’t take no for an answer and in many instances are known to take up tasks because of their sheer will power and a basic instinct to get things completed.Famous and likeable, these individuals are broad-minded and extremely loyal. A positive approach and a practical bent of mind; they possess a mature understanding of things and are extremely dignified in their behaviour.

प्रथम भाव का बृहस्पति सामान्यत: अच्छा फल ही देता है। आप बलवान और दीर्घायु व्यक्ति होंगे । आप स्पष्ट वक्ता और स्वाभिमानी हैं।आपका स्वभाव से उदार होगा  । आप ब्राह्मणों और देवताओं के प्रति श्रद्धा रखते होंगे। दान और धर्म के मामलो में भी आपकी गहरी आस्था होगी।   आपको घूमने फिरने का खूब शौक होगा।


Generally, luck favors them because of which they tend to get overconfident, so it is important that they weigh the pro and cons effectively before marching towards a goal. They are kind, benevolent, and philanthropic towards society at large.Jovial, ever smiling, and a gifted sense of humour, these are some of the best attributes that a native of this planetary position enjoys.In the drive and craziness they are alwys ahead, these natives have a tendency to step on other people’s toes or land up poking their nose in other people’s matters which may not be well received. Thus, it is important that they step back and review every situation before making any suggestions. This is the most important advice for people with this planetary position.

आध्यात्म और रहस्यमयी विद्याओं में आपकी गहरी रुचि देखने को मिल सकती है । आपका स्वभाव स्थिर होना चाहिए। आप  प्रमाणिक सच बोलने वाले और न्यायप्रिय व्यक्ति हैं। आपको सरकार के द्वारा मान-सम्मान और धन की प्राप्ति हो सकती है । लेकिन कभी-कभी झूठी अफवाहों के द्वारा आपको कष्ट भी होगा। आप अपने शत्रुओं के लिए कष्टकर होंगे। आपके शरीर में वात से सम्बंधित रोगों की उत्पत्ति हो सकती है।


While these individuals are bestowed with a lot of lady luck, it is also extremely important to get a little organizational and plan things well so that they don’t have to deal with last minute hiccups.We know that Jupiter is the planet of expansion, so be wary of any obesity related ailments.While these natives are lucky to be blessed with this attractive planetary position, it is important to always keep our feet to the ground; this is the best way to enjoy all the benefits of this position.One more thing is that avoid being too overgenerous as people may take advantage of their niceness .

यदि आप पुलिस, सेना या आबकारी विभाग से जुडे हैं तो लग्नस्थ बृहस्पति आपके लिए हानिकारक हो सकता है, विशेषकर तब जब आप घूसखोरी का काम करते हैं। इसीलिए इन सब से बचें । घमंड और व्यभिचार से भी दूर ही रहिएगा मेरी सलाह से। आप विभिन्न प्रकार के भोगों के अपना धन खर्च करेंगे। आपको स्त्री पुत्र आदि का सुख प्राप्त होगा। आपका पुत्र दीर्घायु हो सकता है । 

For professional astrological guidance contact astrologer Pankhuri verma.

Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598.

द्वादश भाव में स्थित मंगल (Mars in Twelvth House)


Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598.


When Mars is placed in the twelfth house, you are a person who hides your true feelings and desires.  You have a strong spiritual nature and are very intuitive.Your selfish desires are often hidden from others and no one really knows what you really want. You may feel repressed and have an inability to express your restless nature outwardly.  You tend to internalize your passions and intense feelings, finding them difficult to express.  You will feel angry like most people, but it will be difficult for you to express it.  You often turn your anger onto yourself, which can cause health problems. You should try to meditate every day to help relieve your pent up energy.You have a strong desire to serve others and help those that are wounded.Your compassionate nature is intensified with this placement and sometimes you might neglect yourself for others. 
यहां स्थित मंगल ज़्यादातार  मामलों में विपरीत परिणाम ही देता है। लेकिन आपको शस्त्र विद्या में बहुत अच्छा बनाता है। दाम्पत्य जीवन के लिए यहां स्थित मंगल को अच्छा नहीं माना गया है। यह  मंगल की  स्थिति आपके स्वभाव को उग्र बनाता है। खर्चे अधिक होने के कारण आपको कर्जदार भी होना पड सकता है। यह  मंगल  आपको आखों में लाली या फिर दुसरे आँखों के रोग दे सकता है।
There is a danger for you to become involved with alcohol or other self-destructive behaviors.You need to face your problems head on and not blame yourself for everything that happens.You may try to escape from your painful experiences and find it hard to face daily life You are prone to depression, which often is a natural part of your personality.You can overcome your loneliness by seeking things that have meaning and finding your own sense of spirituality.You may need to talk to a counselor about your problems and emotions, which will create a healthy outlet for your pent up feelings.You like to hide your problems from others and put a lot of effort and energy into being secretive about your faults. You are vulnerable to cuts and injuries, and may have to have surgery at some time in your life. 
आपकी रुचि धार्मिक कार्यों के प्रति कम हो सकती है। अथवा धर्म के कार्यों से जुडे होने के बावजूद भी आप धर्म की महत्ता को नहीं  समझते हैं । आपको चोरो का भय भी रह सकता है इसीलिए  अपनी चीजों को सही ढंग से सहेजकर रखिये । 
Your relationship with your father is something that causes you pain.  In childhood, your father might have suffered with alcoholism and was not emotionally or physically there for you.  You may have argued with your father and might have felt like you had to take care of him because of his weaknesses.  You feel like you have an absent or missing father figure and are always seeking something from others, which is acceptance. But be careful not to allow your father’s problems to become your own.  Now,the blessing of this placement is a gift of intense spirituality and compassion.  You need to learn to love yourself and open yourself up to others.  You will benefit by learning to express yourself freely and to trust that others will appreciate your honesty.  You will always feel that anger is a difficult emotion to deal with, but the more you embrace it, the more you will grow.  
यहां स्थिति मंगल के कारण आपके छोटे भाई या बहन को बडा पद और बडी प्रतिष्ठा भी मिल सकती है। लेकिन उनकी आर्थिक स्थिति में कुछ उतार चढाव होते रहेंगे । आपकी माता को पेट से सम्बंधित बीमारी हो सकती है। कभी-कभी फिजूलखर्ची के कारण आपको आर्थिक विषमताओं का भी सामना करना पड सकता है। हांलाकि आप संतो और शिक्षकों का सम्मान करने वाले व्यक्ति होंगे ।
For professional astrological guidance contact astrologer Pankhuri Verma.
Call or Whatsapp at +91 9711224598